
The boy in the bix
The boy in the bix

He had deep bruises covering much of his body and face and experts speculate that due to the cold weather, the child may have been lying in that box between 2-3 days to 2 to 3 weeks. A report was made by a college student who discovered the body after spotting a rabbit. Fearing that the police would confiscate his traps, he did not report what he had found. The body was first discovered by a man while checking his muskrat traps. His esophagus contained a dark, brown residue, possibly indicating he vomited shortly before death, later confirmed to be baked beans (check the second theory below) He had surgical scars on the ankle and groin. There were signs of severe malnourishment. He had blue eyes and a fair complexion.

the boy in the bix

Hair had been recently cropped, possibly after death, and was medium to light brown. It was also massed produced and shipped to multiple locations. The faded cheap flannel blanket he was wrapped in was made in either North Carolina or Quebec, Canada. The 3 to 7 year old boy is found naked and battered in a cardboard box which had once contained a bassinet of the kind sold by J. Manner of Death: Homicide by blunt force traumaġ957 poster - contains photos of the boy's face post-mortem

the boy in the bix

Location: Fox Chase section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The boy in the bix how to#

If you have any tips on how to make it better or subreddits where I can post it, PM me or leave it below. I try to keep them as concise as possible. I keep a personal digital "diary" of Jane/John Doe cases.

The boy in the bix